Predictions based on your Birth star

Predictions based ON BIRTH STAR

You will not behave in a way others expect you to; this will create unnecessary opposition from others. You are very proud about yourself, which you will try to maintain any cost. This will create problems for you throughout your life. You always think about how you can you maintain your pride. If you loose face you regard it with the utmost seriousness and will not tolerate it. You give attention to the opinions of others regarding any matters related to you, although you will go with what you have already decided to do. You will try to get knowledge from different subjects, which you have no previous connections to. You may not be well accepted by the public. Although there is no specific reason for this after these people have close contact with you for some time, they will change their opinion because your behaviour is always good. You do not like to hurt any body. You will express your opinion even if others do not agree with you. You do not know how to influence others; when you need help from them. You are not interested in doing things to please others. You will not act upon a problem by sacrificing your guiding principle. This peculiar behaviour will cost you very much throughout your life. You ready to face it when such things happen but tend to get angry when they happen against your wish. You will oppose anyone who creates problems even if they are very close to you. When you are mistaken you will repent to others who have a close relationship to you without delay. Your observational skills are excellent. You must use it for the benefit of different life situations including your profession. Others can be benefit from your review of their situations. You will try hard for success all through your life and will always have multiple objectives. You are very unlucky in long-term friendships. You will always have some close friends, but your friendships end quickly over one reason or another, each time moving on to new friends. You will have a happy married life, with an able and well-behaved spouse. You will get work done through your assistants, by respect, command or authority. You will find that some simple things meet unnatural difficulty. You should keep in mind that this is a problem with your horoscope and should not get disappointed. You should avoid opposing others based on your guiding principles, even though it will give you satisfaction it will result in difficulties in life. You will always have good health and a good appearance. You will adapt to different lifestyles very easily. You are not very particular about any food.
