Sun IN 10 Th house

This an important planetary position which suggests reaching higher positions. This is lucky position for persons in politics to gains through position. If you have the power, you can make kingly figure .

Moo IN 5 Th house

You will show great interest in religious matters. You will have lot of difficulties in the early stages of life; however after the age of 32 things change for the better. Lot of unnessary problem disturb your mind.your mothers health may affect by some illness or your will have less happiness from your mother..

Mar IN 11 Th house

You will express your opinion in front of anyone. There will be problems from children. You will fight with others for your good self policy for any gains

Mer IN 10 Th house

You will excel in profession such accounting, writing, journalism.. likely professions, with higher achievements coming in these areas. Mature in all sense, speaking gently as per the relevant situation. Earns money with their own efforts

Jup IN 8 Th house

This planetary position will slow down financial achievements. You will face problems due your ill health. You may live in an inherited house. You often face mental agony. You are interested in doing activities that may not be respected by others, try to avoid this.

Ven IN 10 Th house

You have a special talent to do business properly. Hard work will be key to your success. You like pleasant working conditions. You will have a good house, vehicles and relatives. Your father may be well known in society. In addition, he is wealthy. You find ways to make money from most difficult circumstances. You will have good self-respect. You will have a good spouse.

Sat IN 3 Th house

This planetary position brings evil to your younger brother or sister. There is a chance for you to go abroad. You have an aggressive attitude, you are a person with well calculated thoughts.

Rah IN 7 Th house

You like luxurious life. You will find have less happiness from you family

Ket IN 1 Th house

These planetary positions will give luck and happiness. You will be very interested in seeing clashes by others. Or take part in it. You may have much interest to hear sensational news. Your problems always worry you
