Predictions based on your Birth star

Predictions based ON BIRTH STAR

you will get known for your humor rich conversations. You will have good imitating power. You will win arguments. You will not take care about good health. Even small problem will disturb you. You cannot site idle Even when you got sick or some other reason. There can be constant problem created by your relatives. Up to the age 30 your life went through lots of problems. Once you rise up in your activities, you will not have any problem to raise in your success. You will always have some grief in your mind. You should refrain from entering into partnership business and activities. Because once you trust somebody you do it so blindly that your can be conned. You can indulge in multiple activities. You are very intelligent but cannot fully utilize in your education. But you will use it in professional and in business. You do not like to hurt any body. You are a real philanthropist. You will feel for others' problems & you will try your best to help them out. You will not accept any one beyond certain limit. You will have sense of independent and pride. If some things happen against it you will overreact. However, your reaction will arise only in conjunction with a good opportunity. Most probably, you may postpone your revenge until the time it's right, while not showing your true intent off. You will work hard for your success. You will do any sacrifices for your success. Your marriage life will be a successful one. Your spouse will bring more fortune to your life
