Predictions based on your Birth star

Predictions based ON BIRTH STAR

you will get knowledge from different subject which you don’t have any connection with at all. You will have lot of general knowledge. But is very difficult for you to excel in higher education, you can find suitable solution to other problems.And you can be a good adviser. It is very difficult to get achievement in every activities that you are involved in. You will get happy marriage life, you will have pleasing behavior . So you will be loved nad respected by all, even strangers also. Your smile have special attractive power. And this is the another reason why people have an attraction to you. You will get good faith and acceptance widely in public activities, your heart is full of Sympathy , kindness and down to earth nature to ward every one . Cheating any one will be impossible for you .But in some case you will be rewarded with hatred and dislike by you sincerely helped. You like to see every thing nice and clean and in order. You will do things in properly when it involved an activity with others. You do not like to spend money for luxuries, You policy toward money spending is spend any amount of money according to necessity. You don’t like your servant or associate to do things with out order and neatness. You will angrily react to it, then correct their mistakes. In your life good and bad times comes one by one regularly Some thing in your life ( for example parenthood ) is going very smoothlyYou may have to face unexpected problems, which may hassle you without any way out in sight. Then unexpectedly as well, you will get solution for that problem. You will show good ability and sincerity in your profession. You can hard work for your success. Thus, you can make darling Of your superior officers. You will not do anything to put your dignity and social status at stake. You can not get any favors from other by some how pleasing them.
